Irvine State of the City Address

Last night, Mayor Farrah Khan delivered an outstanding State of the City Address. It was comprehensive, inclusive and included a welcome commitment to moving forward with our partners at the state level to follow through on commencing construction of the Veterans Memorial Park and Cemetery at the voter-approved ARDA site.

Here are the Mayor’s remarks on the Veterans Memorial Park and Cemetery:

Last night, Mayor Farrah Khan delivered an outstanding State of the City Address. It was comprehensive, inclusive and included a welcome commitment to moving...

(Click here for the full State of the City Address.)

As part of Tuesday’s event, Councilmember Larry Agran shared his top two priorities for 2021: crush Covid-19 in Irvine, and begin construction of the state-funded Veterans Memorial Park and Cemetery at the voter-approved ARDA site in the Great Park. Here are his remarks:


Hazard pay ordinance officially passed


Agran appoints Greta Jacobs to Senior Citizens Council