Great Park Board Meeting Update | Sept. 27, 2022

USA Water Polo & Live Nation Amphitheater Advance, Despite Councilmember Agran and Residents' Pushback.

Item 3.1 - USA Water Polo Memorandum of Understanding and Partnership Use Agreement

After more than fifty residents raised many concerns about the Partnership Use Agreement during public comments, Director Agran asked staff to address some of their unanswered questions before speaking to the motion himself.

In a 4-1 vote, the Great Park Board ultimately decided to move forward with this "one-sided" agreement with USA Water Polo, with Director Agran voting no. While many questions remained unanswered, Director Agran also felt that it was not in the best interest of the community to construct exclusive-use spaces for and provide priority scheduling of up to 30% of the facility's total use time to USA Water Polo over the needs of our residents and greater Irvine community.

Item 3.2 - Consideration of Form of Great Park Amphitheater Operating Agreement, Environmental Determination, and Surplus Lands Act Exemption

At the September 27th Great Park Board meeting, City staff shared the identified site for the permanent amphitheater, prepared a development concept, and discussed the negotiated terms of an operating agreement. Concerns raised again and again by residents included noise, traffic, public safety, cost, and process.

While the contemplated design considers several noise mitigation strategies, including a sunken stage and speaker shrouding, according to City Manager Oliver Chi, β€œit is likely that, depending on the artist, residents would know that there is a concert happening.” On this and many other points, including traffic considerations and project costs, Director Agran expressed his concern with the insufficient planning and speed at which this plan was being implemented because, yet again, many questions remained unanswered, and many problems remained unresolved.

Nevertheless, with a motion made by Vice-Chairman Carroll, seconded by Director Kim, approval of the form of the amphitheater operating agreement and environmental determination carried 4-1, with Director Agran voting no.

Item 3.3 - Award of Contract and Budget Appropriation for the Great Park Framework Plan Landscape and Civil Engineering Design Services

This item entailed $17.6 million in contracts for landscape and civil design services for the recently adopted Great Park Framework Plan, most specifically for the Botanical Garden and the Heart of the Park. The entirety of the services, including demolition plans, utilities, and grading plans, is expected to be completed by Spring 2024. When Director Agran inquired about whether demolition of the ARDA site would be underway before the end of the year, as promised, staff suggested that this particular timeline has become looser.

A motion to approve the contract services was made by Director Kim, seconded by Vice-Chairman Carroll, and was carried 4-1, with Director Agran voting no.


Quick Reads | Oct. 7, 2022


Cram-down, Jam-down Exercise to Occur at the Great Park Board Meeting