The Office of Irvine Vice Mayor Larry Agran

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Video Available Detailing Irvine Residents’ Health Concerns About All American Asphalt Plant

With the release of the video documenting the July 28 Community Meeting on the health and safety issues concerning the All American Asphalt plant located in North Irvine, Councilmember Larry Agran is once again calling upon the City Council to take up the concerns of the residents living near the asphalt plant; he is asking Mayor Farrah Khan to call a special meeting of the City Council to address this issue.

Councilmember Agran said, “With reports of cancer-causing toxins, like Benzene and Hexavalent Chromium, being released into north Irvine neighborhoods near the All-American Asphalt plant, it is our duty and responsibility to thoroughly investigate this matter and act quickly to ensure that Irvine residents are safe.”

The July 28 Community Meeting, was hosted by Councilmember Agran’s office, with the support of community organizers from, Non-Toxic Neighborhoods(NTN) and Stop Toxic Asphalt Pollutants (STAP) in Irvine. Speakers included; UCI Professor Emeritus Dean Baker MD, NTN founder Kim Konte, STAP founder Lesley Tan, Northwood High School students , and many Irvine residents.

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