The Office of Irvine Vice Mayor Larry Agran

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Great Park updates: Taxation, representation, and renaming

This week, the Orange County Great Park Board of Directors considered a number of presentations, reports, and public comments. 

Among them was a discussion of special taxes paid by Great Park residents and, related, the kind of representation and involvement Great Park residents can expect with respect to the amenities and infrastructure their tax dollars fund

On the topic of Great Park resident representation, per the video below, Director Agran responded urging fellow Board Members to continue the matter and ultimately consider the creation of a Great Park Residents’ Advisory Committee. Such a committee could help the Great Park Board of Directors with higher-order policy and implementation. The Board declined Director Agran’s suggestion, opting instead to stick to the status quo.

The Great Park Board of Directors also considered Chairperson Khan and Director Carroll’s proposal to rename the Orange County Great Park. Public testimony was unanimously opposed to the move, with many people doubtful of the need for the change and skeptical of the associated costs. Per the video above, Director Agran urged his fellow Board Members to abandon the name change idea, echoing the public’s concerns regarding its unclear purpose and cost. Chairperson Khan instead proposed a motion to proceed with the name change, in effect, dropping “Orange County” from the park’s name. Director Agran countered, requesting a work plan be presented to the Board before a decision is made. His request was not seconded and the motion to rename the “Orange County Great Park” passed 4 to 1, with Councilmember Agran opposed.