The Office of Irvine Vice Mayor Larry Agran

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Great Park Board set to discuss resident representation, taxation, and potential renaming of the Great Park

Great Park residents’ concerns about their lack of representation in the continued development of the Great Park will finally be on the agenda tomorrow at the meeting of the Great Park Board.

While Great Park residents pay among the highest residential property taxes and special assessments in Irvine — helping to finance development and operations of the Great Park — they have had virtually no say in the selection, planning, design, development and operations of multi-million-dollar features and amenities at the Great Park.

Historical and current perspectives on this taxation framework and this lack of representation will be laid out for the public tomorrow evening. 

The meeting will also include a discussion of Mayor Khan and Councilmember Carroll’s proposal to rename the Orange County Great Park. 

The meeting begins at 2pm on Tuesday, July 27 in the City Council Chamber. To participate online, click here.