The Office of Irvine Vice Mayor Larry Agran

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Cram-down, Jam-down Exercise to Occur at the Great Park Board Meeting

“Let’s take our time, let’s not rush, let’s do it right, let’s consider all variables here and all the possibilities before we push ahead.”

The City may soon spend millions to execute an extensive framework at the Great Park with minimal review and discussion. 

We can either plan better now or spend millions of dollars and take many more years fixing it later.

Great Park Board Meeting Items of Interest:

  • Item 3.1 – USA Water Polo Aquatic Facility Memorandum of Understanding and Partnership Use Agreement

  • Item 3.2 – GP Amphitheater Form, Design, Construction, and Operating Agreement with LiveNation Worldwide, Inc.

  • Item 3.3 – Contract and Budget Appropriation for the GP Framework Plan Landscape and Civil Engineering Design Services

  • Item 3.4 – Request by Chairwoman Khan to Extend the Great Park Resident Task Force for an Additional Six Months

Join our Great Park Board Meeting, Tuesday, September 27, 2022 - 3:00pm at the City Council Chamber.