The Office of Irvine Vice Mayor Larry Agran

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Councilmember Agran acknowledges residents’ frustration and growing impatience

Demonstrators gather outside City Hall on May 25, 2021 to protest City Council’s inaction on key issues. (Photo Credit: Kev Abazajian)

Councilmember Agran acknowledges the frustration many residents are feeling as the City Council has declined to agendize matters such as the Veterans Memorial Park & Cemetery, Great Park residents and homeowners’ representation, All-American Asphalt-related health and environmental concerns, and a discussion of transitioning to district elections.

This frustration and growing impatience — conveyed via public comments, eComments, emails to Council, community discussion groups, and, most recently, a protest outside City Hall Tuesday afternoon — is palpable.

“I want to assure residents that I am committed to continuing to raise key issues on behalf of the community. I welcome working with any Councilmember or the Mayor to bring these topics to a City Council Meeting. Your concerns deserve to be discussed and acted upon.”

To read more about the items Councilmember Agran seeks to agendize and the so-called “Rule-of-Two” preventing him from doing so, click here.