The Office of Irvine Vice Mayor Larry Agran

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Bike and walking improvements planned for the IBC; what do you think?

Do you have ideas about how active transportation can be improved in Irvine? A plan for the Irvine Business Complex (IBC) Trail System is being reviewed by various City Commissions and the public is being invited to offer their views and opinions.

Why are we considering a trail system in the IBC?

As residential density continues to grow in the IBC, so too is the need for open space and recreational facilities. In an effort to identify opportunities to establish multi-use trails and linear parks throughout the area, the City of Irvine conducted the IBC Trail Study. The results are in and a plan is now making its way through the City approvals process.

What is being proposed?

For the full proposal, consult the study, available here. What follows below is a very brief summary.

The initial plan is pictured below, and consists of the 8 segments listed.

Four design concepts have been developed. Options include paved and unpaved trails, bikeways and walkways, landscaping, space for amenities (e.g., benches, outdoor exercise circuits), and one of three street-crossing concepts. The study specifies which design and street-crossing concept correspond to which segments.

For example, Segment 6, the Barranca segment, would be a paved trail about 15 to 20 feet wide, with space for cyclists and pedestrians. It would also include three street-crossings, a pedestrian overpass on Jamboree and two other concepts still to be determined. This is the first segment staff recommends for construction. It is estimated it can be completed in 3 years provided there are no delays.

To explore what is in store for each segment, consult the IBC Trail Study/Plan. An overview of the design concepts is available beginning on page 37 and the street-crossing concepts are described beginning on page 42. To find out what design or street-crossing concept corresponds to each section, consult the tables provided.

How can I participate?

The public can share their views and opinions at the Finance Commission meeting via eComment by June 7 when the agenda becomes available here.

The public can also participate in the form of eComment or live commenting via Zoom at the City Council Meeting on June 22. Links to facilitate this will be available here, closer to the meeting date.

What does Councilmember Agran think?

Councilmember Agran is a staunch supporter of active transportation and open spaces in Irvine. He believes this is a worthwhile initiative, and in his memo regarding proposed spending for the upcoming American Rescue Plan funds, he earmarked $2 million to support this very effort. However, for the system to be effective, it must correspond to the needs of residents. There have so far been seven opportunities for public participation on this project since 2019, which is commendable. He urges those who have not yet been consulted to share their opinions and insights at the aforementioned meetings to ensure the initiative proceeds with the best possible guidance.