The Office of Irvine Vice Mayor Larry Agran

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Are you breeding mosquitoes?

As we spend more time outside, the Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control Unit is asking that Irvine residents take a moment to make sure your backyard or deck is not inadvertently breeding mosquitoes.

Why worry about mosquitoes?

Aside from interfering with your enjoyment of the outdoors, mosquitoes can be vectors of serious disease.

The Aedes mosquito, nicknamed "backyard breeders" or "ankle biters," thrive in our SoCal climate and breed year-long wherever there's stagnant water. Some common breeding grounds are pet bowls, birdbaths, toys, plant saucers, and yard drains.

To avoid nuisance or illness in your family and community, simply check your outdoor spaces regularly for standing water and remove the source (e.g., bucket) if you can. If that’s not quite possible (e.g., a flower pot saucer), a weekly standing water check to tip out the standing water is the next best prevention method. It only takes a bottle cap of water for mosquitoes to complete their life cycle — so be diligent!

There is a lot that you can do, above and beyond these water checks, to address mosquitoes in your community. Here is a list of the resources supplied by the OC Mosquito and Vector Control office that can help get you started.

OC Mosquito & Vector Control Resources